Friday, January 22, 2010

Alivin and the chipmuncks.

Today me and my brother and sister went to go see Alivin and the chipmunks it was so good. There was not a lot of people there because its been out for awhile and it was good show and the girl chipmunks did the real dance for the single ladies. It was kinda funny and we got to sit in new seats they were comfy seats to ;) . The end was funny for me and people were getting ready when it wasn't over because it was showing this funny part and a lot of people laughed. If you see it you would probably laugh at it too if you laugh at other stuff to. When the movie was over we met are parents in the lobby and watched some people play games then left to go home so i could write this blog about the movie.

So i hope you enjoyed my short blog for tonight good night ;) enjoy your night,


  1. Christina, your blog has all the attributes I wish for mine. You post often; you have lots of comments, and your posts are interesting. Keep up the good work.

    In envy,
    Uncle Brett

  2. Thanks :D where is your blog because i can't find it when i click on your picture. Well i can't wait to read all the other comments. I have 28 people who checked mine out on my blog. :P


  4. you might wanna write it on ichat instead.
