Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Today i got to ..... go to school :) it was so much fun but tomorrow i have volleyball tournament so i am excited and scared that i might miss, but i am going to do fine. 
Well anyway after school i went to the library with my mommy and sister, well i got some books i got... 

1. the English roses a perfect pair. 
2. The English Roses American Dream
3. The English Roses Catch the Bouquet.
4. Marely & me best book and movie ever<3
5. Dork diaries Tales from a NOT-SO Talented Pop Star
i am going to try to read all of them in time i got 3 weeks
Well i had dinner already and i had maple beans and chicken so so so so good. 
I enjoy writing blogs it makes me have a lot of time to think about my life. 
 THIS IS A DOG I PICKED randomly to make me smile, i use this picture as everything.. a profile picture or what ever .. It makes me smile because i am in love with golden retrievers and when i look at one i find i have to smile cause they are so cute<3 i love my life so much <3 
To think what my life is about and how i like to control it and i love to make sure i know what to write about my things i love too do there is so much stuff i would love to write but i will try to make at least a blog a day or maybe 2 it depends ;) i just LOVE my LIFE.  it makes me smile when i know i am surrounded by family i love so much even if they live far away i will always love them<3! i can't wait till i am 16!!!!!  
Well i have to go now ..
i hope you enjoyed my blog and comment and say how you enjoyed it or disliked it ;) i Love ME MYSELF AND I <3 :) got that off a shirt but hope you enjoy my blogs and keep on reading them!!!!!! Talk soon .. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Soccer is my life<3 i love playing it every time i get a chance i never want to stop playing it but in the winter of course i have to stop unless i do indoor, i am really good i played it since i was 4 years old. I LOVE LEARNING MORE things buy the second. When i played this summer in 2011 i scored 24 goals total and my team in 2nd place in the finals. I miss all my soccer friends but i still keep in touch with some of them ... I love how we all were always having fun when we were playing.
I would always laugh sometimes... :) i had funny times on the felid because......
When i got a chance to score i kicked the ball but i missed and fell on my butt, it hurt but i was alright,
when i play i am tough i don't cry if i fall unless when i was in the play offs i fell and i skinned my knee off the ground and i got a grass burn ,
but i was alright i kept on playing it just hurt until a little bit after i ignored it because all i did was i put water on it and it felt better.
I love my life and i love all the sports i play
I JUST LOVE SOCCER WITH ALL MY HEART, i would try never to give it up it would be too hard... But when i grow up like an adult i may not play that much but if i have kids the first thing i am going to do is teach them how to play soccer and make sure they play it :) so i can go to all there games and cheer them on and say i wish i was them again.. BUT THANK GOSH I AM STILL YOUNG SO I CAN STILL PLAY<3!!! lol . i <3 soccer.

HOPE U ENYJOY AND PLEASE COMMENT IF LIKED. :) thanks for blogging and come back soon......

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Crystal Beach

I went to Crystal Beach august 3rd on wednesday. I had so much fun, we left there at 9:00 and it was so much fun!! We were in and out of the water and right when we sat down i ran straight in the water it was too cold but i got use to it after awhile. It was funny because when my dad wanted to go in the water he did but not deep cause it was cold and he didn't want to get so wet and so we started swishing water at him and we were laughing and then after awhile he dove in because he was getting wet already then i got to go the farthest into the water because it was the same length and so i got to touch the rope. :) Then we all got out and went into sand and me and my brother made sand things in the beach near the water. like i made a pool but it ended up not working out well so i went in the water with my bro again and then my sister came in and then my parents came in and then me and my sister were going to jump the waves. but the waves were a good size for me. I had a really good time and i tanned really good. We left at 1:00 because we were tired, but we had a good time!! Then when we got home we relaxed. Well thats it hope u read and leave a comment :) Thanks bye bye!<3

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


well i am 10 now so i am double digits i turned January 30Th. On January 30Th i hung with my family and cousins, I had so much fun hanging with them on January 28Th i hung with 6 of my friends they came over here and we had a slumber party for my birthday because i didn't want to have it on the 30Th because it would of been odd having family over too , it would be too hard to have family and friends over at the same time. But i had a blast both days. I got so many presents i got a purse a wallet, a panda bear stuffy, i got the Sims 3 DS game, i got a fox webkinz i got over 120$, i bought with the 120$ three webkinz signatures and the animals were a seal a zebra and a lion, and i got clothes , and still from people for presents i got birthday cards.

well that is it hope you read it bye bye

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

school day

Today at school is what I'm going to talk to you about.

At school today me and my friends Savannah and Sarah played games. We had some work to do same with our other classmates. I hate work i love recess. At recess time me Sarah and Savannah were playing outside and we were trying to make perfect snowballs. This little boy Noah was playing with us and he wanted a perfect snow ball so i gave him mine and i made a new one over with.

When we had to go inside we had this thing where you have to work in a group so i had to work with my friend May, Eric and Nicholas. I enjoyed it because we didn't really have to do work then we just had to do some stuff. Like solving problems this is new to me, I loved doing groups because i can hang with my friend may. We talk and try to figure it out all together. At lunch recess me Sarah and Savannah were doing the exact same thing we did first recess, but instead we were talking to our other friends to. I like school a little. When we went inside we had the speak out for our school but i didn't make it my friends Nicholas, Sarah and Julia made it. I enjoyed watching the competition. I wish i was in it but i don't mind, because it would of been really scary. But the thing i liked i missed French and some thing eles but i forget. At the end of the day me Sarah and Leela were walking home together. It was fun because we tackled each other. I was laughing to hard. When i got home i ate something small like a fruit and then i had dinner at 5:00. after dinner i went on the computer and wrote this story. I was talking to my friends on facebook while i wrote this story on my day at school.

Well thank - you for reading my school day.

Write back and i hope you enjoy reading it and bye bye jan 26 2011,

4 days!!